Roger confirms why he is the king of one-liners. After conversing with Long Island coat check girls with less experience whom seem to be easy game for the witty enlightened one, Roger's fondness of Megan's mother enters the picture once again. He's told to lower his expectations to which his clever reply is "to below conversation?" referencing a prior scene between the two witnessed by Sally in the ballroom episode. It's interesting to note Roger's case is similar to Pete's understanding that age is of benefit because things are understood by the elder that aren't by the younger. Roger's prowess is remarkable understanding that Don would have no idea what Imile (not sure how his name is spelled) sounds like nor understand the difference between real and fake sounding french.
There are parallels in the episode worth mentioning. Don was quick to rid Lane out of his (Don's) life by giving him $7,500-$8,000 to which Lane responded, it's just that easy for you huh- he's done it before. Lane would later remove himself permanently from life the same way Adam did for somewhat of a similar amount. Neither wanted a transaction, they weren't after material gain. Lane saw himself as an American and could think of no other way to live. He couldn't even execute his plan in an English made car so it was only appropriate he would leave in an American office with an American view. Adam sought kinship.
Don tells Peggy something very profound in the context of Mad Men world along the lines of "you help people, then they succeed. I just thought you would do it with me". Peggy is succeeding but without Don. Megan looks for help from her husband in getting the gig and gets it similar to Joan's transaction.
In an earlier season, Betty was sought after and also got an advertisement acting gig.
Megan's mother cut through to the point and gave Don his options. Take advantage of the defeat Megan is going through and have the life that you want. By the end of the episode we know Don does not allow Megan to be in defeat so does he want a family life with Megan? He confidently walks away from the set.
In an earlier episode of the season, Don chokes a mistress in his hallucination while asleep from a bad fever symbolizing the death of his desire to commit adultery. In this episode, again during a physical ailment, has another hallucination under the gas at the dentists office with his younger brother Adam removing the pain. What was removed symbolically? The last scene of the episode ends with Don at the bar alone with a proposal at hand. Joan's conversation with Don two-or so-episodes back was very telling when she said that the nature of one would return.
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