Mrs. Shelley uses Frankenstein to communicate the message that humans have many blessings but are only
temporarily satisfied, if at all, with their wants and what they possess until death.
The monster of Frankenstein narrates his observations to Victor questioning the unhappiness of humans as “they possessed a delightful house (for such it was in my eyes) and every luxury; they had a fire to warm them when chill-“. Bram Stolker uses these narratives to point out the awesomeness humans have in the ability to learn languages, communicate, create, and derive meanings from symbols. The companionship of a spouse is of a special blessing that the demon of Frankenstein not only recognizes, but immensely desires.
Robert Walton seeks the glory of conquering unexplored regions of the world by ship though he mentions his vast experiences during which he “accompanied the whale-fishers on several expeditions” and acquired knowledge through rigorous study only to also ask “do I not deserve to accomplish some great purpose?”
Victor Frankenstein became enamored with his study and practice of natural philosophy. He reached a point where he was “well acquainted with the theory and practice of natural philosophy as depended on the lessons of any of the professors at Ingolstadt” but sought more. He aimed to increase the health and life of humans but after discovering how to generate life created a being. Temporarily satisfied with his achievement, he reflected on it with disgust and regret.
His life consisted of seeking satisfaction through study, world observation, friendship, family, wife, and the destruction of the demon until his death which is throughout the story alluded to as a state of peace or rest.
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